Sunday, January 11, 2009

Noo Noos

If you know me (and I can't really imagine you'd be reading this if you don't) you know that I have three children. Ellie is 10, Cassie is 6 and Danny who is three. All three of my kids have very different personalities. The differences were apparent from a very early age. People told me just wait boys are different. Brandi and I sort of brushed that off and thought How different can it be when they're little. How on earth can gender specific personality traits be that evident at a young age. Oh brother!

One of these "little differences" is what we call his maneuvers. In Dannyspeak "Noonoos" these can take place in a variety of different ways. Jumping off anything he can climb on, landing on a bed/couch/pillow and going into a roll, jumping on you while seated/laying/sleeping/not at all expecting 35lbs to collide or land on you with all the gusto of a kamakaze pilot. Now some of these may be a little bit my fault. From a young age Danny watched movies, such as Rocky (aka Rockrock) with me. He then discover my boxing gloves. Now on occasion when he becomes frustrated with someone/something ie. me, his mother, his sisters, the dog, the battle cry "I go get my glove" can be heard, striking fear into the hearts of all in earshot. This results in the doleing out of crisp jabs or the round house right. The round house by the way if you are six foot tall, comes swiftly level with your groin. Fully awake I am usually faster than he is. But if I have not had enough coffee yet hilarity does not ensue. Another one of his signature moves is the "bows to the domepiece". This is when the elbow is raised and displayed, it is then tapped twice in a menacing fashion and hurled at the victims head. This happens to sleeping victims sometimes. So you see my point. My girls at this age were sweet considerate and loving. Not that Danny isn't all of those things, but there is definately a different type of energy there. I'm sure there will be a constructive outlet for it eventually, until then when I hear "I go get my glove" I'll cover my junk.

1 comment:

Shes Off Her Rocker said...

Haaa! A great description of Danner Bananners! We should video a noo noo to put on here....